The Foundation
As the initial step, The Foundation component will provide you and your team with a comprehensive evaluation of your current state, strengths and weaknesses, and opportunities for growth. Results from this evaluation will be used to determine next steps, and options moving forward, both within/amongst your team and/or utilizing OGMA R&A as your partner to meet your objectives.
A typical Foundation assessment would include:
•Current risk and analytic environment assessment (policies, data flows, strategies, scores, attributes, exception processing, analytic tools, personnel)
•Evaluate Data Deficiencies (internal and external) and build loan/customer level databases, as needed. Create data plan, including external vendors
•Identify gaps in risk strategies, policies, scores and attributes being utilized
•A full assessment, roadmap, and report with recommendations will be provided to the client at the end of this first phase of the engagement
•The full assessment can be completed on a single portfolio or every area of your lending business, depending on your needs
The OGMA R&A Foundation Assessment takes anywhere from 2 to 4+ weeks once approved. The assessment can be completed before a further deep dive into the risk management environment. Our team will provide you with the information you need to move forward on your own or to engage OGMA R&A to assist you with recommended components.